Saturday, 20 August 2011

Holiday's nearly two thirds over? You're kidding me on!

It's been nearly two weeks since I posted anything on this blog. I feel I should explain for the lack of activity on the photography front.

The main reason is that I have been in employment lately. Having a job that steals your weekend and leaves you weary after twelve-hour shifts does not bode well for photography - I dread to think the thickness of dust that will collect on my camera once I become a doctor. Moreso is the fact that I've been trying to get driving lessons sorted out. It turns out that driving is a tough one for me, for lack of experience or similar excuses. And then there's my beloved friends from home, with their tendency to draw me out clubbing or pubbing whenever possible. Bless them! They're brilliant.

All this, as you would guess, left me with no time to snap even one picture. Fear not however, fellow citizens of the internet, for opportunities (note plural) will arise once again. This time next week I will be in Aviemore, Scotland, hungrily snapping up pictures of motorcycle parades and smokey barbeques. A few weeks after that and I'll be jetting to Croatia with a Cambridge friend, letting you see Split, Dubrovnik and Sarajevo through the eyes of a seventeen-fifty. Then, in tremendously well coordinated fashion, I'll be in Cambridge on the 29th September, aiming to be there on the first second of the Normal Period of Residence. Sweet.

Meanwhile, you can help me by telling people about this blog or subscribing. There's definitely an addictive nature about blogging, assuming material for it Publish Postis available, and it means you can see the world as I see it. Colour, shape, form, opinions and all.

Have a good Sunday!

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