Tuesday, 5 July 2011

See, Glasgow isn't just a city of high flats and knives

W George Street

Kelvingrove Park Fountain

There's a fair bit to say about the city of Glasgow. It is conveniently small, is well connected by rail lines and subways, and produces some of the most hideously greasy fast foods on the entire planet. It also has rather interesting architecture. Avoiding the dilapidation of the post-war housing areas and the brutalist high flats, one can marvel at the rather beautiful 19th century town houses which dot the city. One can also find Medieval delights like the 13th Century St Mungo's Cathedral, and the Gothic-revival nature of Glasgow University's main buildings, which though ancient-looking is deceptive in its age: a mere 140 years old, constructed in 1870.

Buchanan Street

Back of Glasgow Buchanan Subway

Glasgow also seems to be thriving. Buchannan street on a Monday afternoon is packed full of all-sorts. Tourists, salarymen and buskers alike populate the centre, bringing a feeling of work and play combined into a noisy, lively city. 

 There will be more pictures of this fantastic city to come. For now, I've just come off a placement and my writing's a little lacklustre. So I'll just give you some pictures to look at instead :)

Steps just before the Gallery of Modern Art

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